Understanding Climate Change Using High Performance Computing and Machine Learning

The Chief Technology Officer of Amazon, Werner Vogels, writes about machine learning (ML) and climate change in his blog called "All things distributed". He references Philip Stier's work as an example of how machine learning is being used to help combat climate change. 

He writes: "The burgeoning marriage of ML and climate science is evident in the research efforts of those at University of Oxford, including Philip Stier, a professor of atmospheric physics, and Duncan Watson-Parris, a post-doctoral researcher. Stier and Watson-Parris are focused on understanding how aerosols affect clouds — what kind of clouds they affect, which regions these changes occur (and, just as importantly, which regions they don’t), and how prevalent they are."

Read the full article to find out more about Stier's research and the tools he is using to find new insights into tackling climate change.

All things distributed (19/11/2020)